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7 stages of block play poster

7 stages of block play poster

A poster detailing the 7 stages of block play. Children progress through these as part of their development; some will be transient, others will move in and out of stages as they rehearse and play.
The 3 I's poster

The 3 I's poster

The 3 ‘I’s’ of education or ‘Intent, Implementation and Impact’ have been derived from the Ofsted inspection Framework 2019. Use this poster as a visual for each area.
Ask me lanyard

Ask me lanyard

Print, laminate and attach to a lanyard to prompt adults or peers to ask a child something. A great solution for children to teach their peers or use it to reinforce a particular skill that children need to practise.
My interest plan

My interest plan

A resource for children to demonstrate their child-led interests in provision by drawing a picture and using tick box prompts. This provides encouragement to extend their interest by exploring how they will learn more about their chosen topic and present it.
End of year poster

End of year poster

Use these end of year posters as a memento for your class as an end of year gift. Add on your child’s name under each image and attach a class photo as a memory for the year.